We were running these mods in this order: Here I have the RPT's for both the host and client from a test.

Reversing it so that my friend hosts and I join him, I experience the same problem so its independent from a host. Changing from the Star Wars Opposition Ace 3, to normal Ace. The client can still only see the splashscreen for loading, even though they can hear gameplay as well as move their character blindly (which the host can see). Then the host loads in and can play without any problems. The host can continue to launch the mission and conclude the briefing. When the briefing appears the host can see it fine, however the client gets a flash of what could be the map, before the splash screen appears. If one of us hosts a mission the client can join the lobby, select a role and the host can start the game. This is odd because its a highly popular mod that lots of people seem able to use and we've used earlier iterations of it with no problems in the past. However the moment we introduce to the Opposition mods to the equation we start getting problems.

We are connected via VLAN using Hamachi, if we host a vanilla server we can both join eachother and play fine. For those who believe that this is all that the SDI is really good for, given the doubts over whether it will ever really lead to a workable defensive system, the risk is that instead of cashing it in for substantial Soviet concessions on offensive arms, President Reagan, by persisting with SDI, will provoke countermeasures of both the defensive and offensive variety by the Soviet Union, and so lead to the ruin rather than the revitalization of the whole arms control process.A friend and I have been trying to test out some addons in editor missions on ARMA 3 with the Star Wars: Opposition mod however we keep hitting the same problem. The difficulty with viewing SDI as a ‘bargaining chip’ is that the President has not shown himself inclined to use it for bargaining purposes. Concern over the long-term implications of this initiative is said to have convinced the Soviet Union that it should return to the arms control negotiating table that it left so abruptly at the end of 1983. PRESIDENT REAGAN'S STRATEGIC DEFENCE INITIATIVE (usually abbreviated to SDI and more popularly known as ‘star wars’) is generally agreed to have one great merit, whatever its many drawbacks.